Commercial remodels refresh and restore businesses by attracting new customers and deepening existing consumer devotion. Certain kinds of remodels attract more customers and generate more business than many others.

As a company owner, knowing how a commercial remodel may broaden your customer base can help you decide whether or not a remodel is ideal for your company.

Make More Room with a Commercial Remodel

Among the clearest ways that a commercial remodel can bring in more customers is by expanding you existing spaces.

In store settings, space-inefficient designs can slow business and restrict the number of customers that your company can serve at one time. In office buildings, space-inefficient designs can slow your overall company productivity by limiting the number of employees that your company can employ.

The parking lot is not the most exciting thing you can remodel, but enhancing your company’s parking may also draw in customers who may otherwise go elsewhere. A lot of folks turn away from companies without adequate parking or easily navigated lots. By making your institution’s parking lot more accessible, more space efficient, and more user-friendly, you are able to make customers feel welcome.

By making more space where your customers can sit, stand, or navigate, or by making more room to accommodate staff members, you can increase your company’s potential business both inside and out.

Spruce Things Up

Dated interior layouts are a turn off for most customers. Old paint, worn seating, and lack of modern facilities may send subtle messages to your clients that your company is struggling. This can shake your customers’ faith in your ability to produce an excellent product. For companies that rely on air to impress customers (like restaurants), dated interior layouts can be depressing.

Enhancing the aesthetics of your company will show customers that your company is effective and current. Invest in new seating, update your bathroom with new toilet partitions and sink systems, show customers that you care in every aspect of your business. A company that looks the part can certainly achieve the part.

Go Green

Folks feel good when they can support companies that are environmentally friendly. By installing low energy fixtures in the bathrooms such as XLERATOR hand dryers, an ENERGY STAR HVAC system in your building, energy efficient light bulbs in your light fixtures, and energy efficient windows in the walls, your organization can reduce its utility invoices and draw in clients who feel a sense of societal obligation. After making these modifications, show them off with media posts and signage so your customers know that you’ve gone the extra mile.

Contact Newton BSI

At Newton BSI, we assist companies all across the nation to improve their operations and aesthetic allure. If you own a business and are thinking about a remodel in the upcoming year, contact Newton BSI for a quote. Our proficient and timely professionals will offer advice, give an accurate breakdown of the costs, and answer any queries that you may have. Contact us today: (508)-439-4941