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Fire Extinguishers and Cabinets

There is a huge selection of styles and designs when it comes to Fire Extinguisher Cabinets. Newton Building Specialty will help you choose the best option to recess or mount to your wall. From white baked enamel (steel) to aluminum to stainless steel to plastic to fiberglass to wood, all of our fire extinguisher cabinets are of the highest quality and provide an important function. Protecting your fire extinguisher from harm as well as displaying key wordage that can help people find it in times of trouble. Make sure you review with our experts the many options styles, sizes and models to find the ideal match.

It may seem like there is a sea of choices when it comes to the various styling of fire extinguishers on today’s market. Multi-use and dry chemical are just two popular versions that are affordable and efficient. Once again, let Newton BSI provide you with the best service to obtain these units on your next project.

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